
August 22, 2024

Surviving A/C Breakdown Season: A Homeowner’s Guide

In the words of rapper Nelly, “It’s getting hot in here.” Every year rising temperatures usher in a dreaded time for homeowners: A/C Breakdown Season. Air conditioners can be a fickle friend. Just when you need them most, they seemingly decide to stop working. You’re left sweating out the heat and the high prices of quick repairs. 

Luckily, with a little planning, you and your A/C can survive the hottest months comfortably and cost-effectively. In this survival guide, we offer tips for: 

  • Keeping your air conditioner in great condition 
  • Maintaining your “cool” when the unit suddenly quits working 
  • Budgeting for repairs and ways to save money 

Preventative A/C Maintenance: Your First Line of Defense 

They say the best defense is a good offense, which means taking a proactive approach to A/C maintenance. Even new units need upkeep after running for several months. In fact, many HVAC manufacturers require annual preventative maintenance to retain the warranty. The best time to service a unit is in spring before peak heat hits.  

Here are a few ways to keep your A/C cool under pressure:  

  • Change the Filter – Replace or clean your A/C filters about every three months, depending on usage and type. Clean filters improve airflow, promote A/C efficiency, and reduce unnecessary system strain.  
  • Clean in and Around the A/C – Remove dirt and debris from inside the unit. Pay special attention to build up or excessive grime on the coils, drain pain, and drainpipe. Carefully straighten any bent fan fins. Clear leaves and sticks from around the A/C. Ensure trees, shrubs, and tall grasses are at least two feet away from the unit to ensure good air flow.  
  • Check the Thermostat – Thermostats can collect dust over time that will impact A/C functionality. Gently use canned air to clean the thermostat. While you’re there, go ahead and replace the batteries. 
  • Examine Ductwork – Ducts can become disconnected or develop holes over time, which sends cool air to places that don’t need it (like your crawl space or attic). Inspect ducts for leaks. Ensure they are properly insulated and intact to prevent cool air loss and reduce energy costs.  
  • Call a Professional – Schedule a professional A/C tune-up at least once a year, ideally before summer hits. Certified technicians can identify issues, clean critical components, and ensure the system is ready for its run in the sun.  

When Heat Hits Back: Managing A/C Emergencies 

Murphy’s Law states anything that can go wrong will go wrong, which means A/C breakdowns on the hottest days of the year, of course! Don’t sweat it. Here’s how to manage any air conditioner emergency:  

  • Cool Off – Houses can heat up quickly, especially during the day. Place fans in strategic locations to circulate air. You can even put a bowl of ice in front of fans to function as a makeshift air conditioner. Close blinds and curtains to prevent additional heat from entering your home. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding strenuous activities.  
  • Stay Calm and Assess – Check that the thermostat is working, programmed to cool, and set to the correct temperature. Next, ensure the A/C breaker isn’t tripped. Reset the breaker to try and start the unit. Look at the filter to make sure no clogs exist. Finally, head to the condensate drain to clear any blockages which can shut the A/C down for safety reasons.  
  • Call a Professional – Contact a licensed HVAC technician to diagnose the issue and make the repair. Many companies offer emergency services for urgent situations, especially as temperatures spike.  

Beware that HVAC companies often experience backlogs during A/C Breakdown Season, which may mean waiting for help. Seek recommendations from friends and family in advance to have multiple companies vetted and ready to call for assistance. 

Certainly, you want to avoid replacing your air conditioner if possible. However, home experts recommend two rules for knowing when it’s time to throw in the towel:  

  1. Frequent Breakdowns – If your A/C unit regularly requires repairs, it might be more cost-effective to replace it. A/C emergencies should be the exception, not the norm.  
  1. High Repair Costs – If those breakdowns exceed half the price of a new unit, professionals often recommend replacement. Eventually repairs become temporary fixes rather than long-term solutions leaving your family vulnerable to sweltering A/C struggles.

A/C Breakdown Season doesn’t need to have you hot and bothered. With proactive maintenance, an emergency plan in place, and a warranty partner by your side, you can stay cool and comfortable all summer long.
